In 1998, Simon Hunt’s satirical character Pauline Pantsdown countered the race-based politics of Pauline Hanson with audio cutup and performance, resulting in one banned song, one Top Ten hit, and a run for the Senate. 15 years later he revived the character on social media, utilising humour and visual memes to activate others in mass pranks and online/offline activism. This talk will examine political engagement across ever-changing media landscapes.
Simon Hunt is an artist and activist who has utilised music, performance and video across a range of creative projects. In the 1990s he enjoyed international success as a filmmaker, composer and sound designer, and lectured in Media Arts at UNSW from 1990–2020. He is best known for his satirical political character ‘Pauline Pantsdown’.
Politics +Concepts talk developed in partnership with ACCA and 99%.