A World of One’s Own: Rowan Oliver

published 18 Jan 2019
What roles can social politics and social media play in driving an art practice? What role do beauty and aesthetic boundaries play in art today? How can these things interrelate? Tai Snaith and Rowan Oliver delve down the rabbit hole of creating fictions around ideas and images of self and others, creating characters and narratives to open up ideas of social inclusiveness and empathy. Rowan outlines how we should keep making these fictions despite the despair around us. How does marketing affect our image of ourselves? What roles or characters do we play in social media? And what role do we play in the art world? Is it all a play? Rowan refreshingly discusses how she can foresee parts of her practice ‘shedding’ and talks frankly about choosing the path with the most flexibility of being open with herself. We also discuss Casting as a medium, playing the ‘art system game’ and her plans of moving into ‘Aquarian frequencies and taking down the government’. Additional resources: Rowan’s website: http://rowanoliver.net/ Rowan’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everybodysdaughter/ Crumbling World Runway (Moma PS1 performance): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnQtOuyUnaU Gifts for Manus and Nauru: https://giftsformanusandnauru.org.au/ David Rosetsky: https://davidrosetzky.com/ Women Who Run with the Wolves: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/241823.Women_Who_Run_With_the_Wolves Stanislavski's system: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanislavski%27s_system Spencer Tunick: https://www.instagram.com/spencertunick/