Bill Clements

Off the Wall / In the Air: A Seventies Collection
Peter Booth, John Brack, Ian Burn, Tim Burns, Jenny Christmann, Bill Clements, Tony Coleing, Marlee Creaser, Aleks Danko, Isabel Davies, John Davis, Domenico de Clario, Margaret Dodd, Helen Eager, Earthworks Collective 1971-79 (Mark Arbuz, Michael Callaghan, Jan Fieldsen, Colin Little, Chips...
Bill Posters will not be prosecuted, invitation, 1999. Courtesy ACCA Archive...
Six Walks Episode Two: Sophie Cunningham on Royal Park Transcript
...later the Zoological Gardens, that was the area that was planted with exotics, but the area outside this there was a real dedication to maintaining the original character of the area. There was a genuine passion for native plantings, and this was shared by one of the surveyor generals Clement...