George Egerton-Warburton

ACCA's annual commissions exhibition for rising Australian contemporary artists. This year curated by Matt Hinkley, artists include George Egerton-Warburton, Richard Frater, Jessie Bullivant, Kate Newby, Ash Kilmartin, Paul Bai, Alex Vivian and Adelle Mills.

...and Johan Lundh, Bruce Hainley, David Homewood, S.T Lore, Aodhan Madden, Tara McDowell, Laura Preston, Chris Sharp and Eleanor Ivory Weber, together with reproductions of works by Richard Frater, George Egerton-Warburton, Ash Kilmartin, Alex Vivian, Paul Bai, Jessie Bulliant, Adelle Mills and Kate Newby. ...

NEW15 catalogue
...and Johan Lundh, Bruce Hainley, David Homewood, S.T Lore, Aodhan Madden, Tara McDowell, Laura Preston, Chris Sharp and Eleanor Ivory Weber, together with reproductions of works by Richard Frater, George Egerton-Warburton, Ash Kilmartin, Alex Vivian, Paul Bai, Jessie Bulliant, Adelle Mills and Kate Newby. ...
Press Release
NEW things for NEW15
...curated by a former NEW artist. 2008 NEW alumni Matt Hinkley will curate NEW15, and has invited eight artists to rise to the NEW challenge:George Egerton-Warburton (born in Kojonup, WA; lives and works in Los Angeles, USA) often contrives...