Guido van der Werve

...a visual reflection of the inevitability of life and death.Artists: Dorothy Cross, Rodney Graham, Markus Kahre, Hans Op de Beeck, Julian Rosefeldt, Ana Torfs, Guido van der WerveCurator: Juliana EngbergExhibition Manager: Jane Rhodes...

This catalogue from ACCA's exhibition, Crescendo, contains text by Rachaek Thomas, Mieke Bal, Amy Sherlock, Christina Landbrech, Juliana Engberg, Hans Op de Beek and Maaretta Jaukkuri, and features full colour reproductions of work by Guido van...

Crescendo booklet
...van der Werve, Ana Torfs, Julian Rosefeldt, Hans Op de Beeck, Markus Kahre, Rodney Graham, Dorothy Cross.
Full Colour Booklet, 46 pages...
Press Release
...20 December 2013 – 2 March 2014
ACCA brings the spirit of Wagner into the New Year with the exhibition Crescendo. Opera Australia’s presentation of the Ring Circle may be over by then, but we will not be done with the Gesamtkunstwerk yet!...