John Brack

Off the Wall / In the Air: A Seventies Collection
Peter Booth, John Brack, Ian Burn, Tim Burns, Jenny Christmann, Bill Clements, Tony Coleing, Marlee Creaser, Aleks Danko, Isabel Davies, John Davis, Domenico de Clario, Margaret Dodd, Helen Eager, Earthworks Collective 1971-79 (Mark Arbuz, Michael Callaghan, Jan Fieldsen, Colin Little, Chips...
Rewind: Off the Wall; In the Air: A Seventies Selection
...nbsp;Cutting out a 10 year space from the making of art is a convenient, but arbitrary way to select an exhibition, but doesn’t reflect the way artists work. I selected a John Brack Self Portrait, painted as a series of reflections, to indicate a wider world, but included no late abstract...
Rewind: Grazia Gunn – ACCA’s third director with an experimental vision an artist under John Brack at the National Gallery Art School and was later employed as Curator of the Leonhard Adams Ethnographic collection at the University of Melbourne (1970-1973). From 1974 to 1975 Gunn worked at the Australia Council in the International and Australian Touring department and later...