John O’Neil

The Thousand Mile Stare
Christopher Koller, O. Philip Korczynski, Andrew Lehmann, Angela Lynkushka, Peter Lyssiotis, Ruth Maddison, Bill McCann, Craig McGee, John O’Neil, Bernie O’Regan, Polixeni Papapetrou, Wes Placek, Dyranda Prevost, Tim Rowston, Bernard Sachs, Wolfgang Sievers, Robert Slatyer, David...
An eye on the future: ACCA and Next Wave
Australian artists.
Flower Show, an exhibition curated by Melbourne artist John Meade in 1996, was presented in the gardens surrounding ACCA and included sound and installation works by David Chesworth, Noni Nixon and the up-and-coming David Rosetzky. Like many...
Lyell Barry, Tony de Lautour, Destiny Deacon, Eugene Hansen, eX de Medici, Michael Harrison, Mikala Dwyer, Sean Kerr, Simryn Gill, Ani O’Neill, Gail Hastings, Natalie Robertson, Danius Kesminas, Marie Shannon, HJ Wedge, Terry Urbahn, Constanze ZikosOFF SITE EXHIBITION: Bill Posters...
Data in contemporary art exhibitions by Miriam Kelly expanded on at length in a wide array, indeed almost all critical data studies contexts, but perhaps for brevity, see for example as initial primers: Cathy O’Neil, Weapons of Math Destruction, Penguin Random House, New York, 2016; or, Mark Andrejevic, ‘Big Data, Big Questions: The Big...