Kate Beynon

Above and Beyond: The Asian Connection
Curated by Clare Williamson and Michael SnellingExhibiting Artists: Kate Beynon, Neil Emmerson, Simryn Gill, Emil Goh, Joan Grounds, Pat Hoffie, Lindy Lee, Alwin Reamillo, Kevin Todd, Judy Watson, Guan Wei, Ah Xian, John YoungPublication...

...for specific purposes, Rent toured internationally to Overgarden Gallery, Copenhagen prior to its presentation at ACCA.
Exhibiting Artists: Geoff Baker, Kate Beynon, Philip Brophy, A Constructed World, Julia Gorman, Andrew Hurle, Mathew Jones, Danius Kesminas and Mike Stevenson, Callum Morton, Kenneth...
...technologies.Exhibiting Artists: Kate Beynon, Andrew Hurle, Matthew Jones, Christopher Langton, James Lynch, Callum MortonCurated by Stuart KoopPERFORMANCE: Live Acts – Chunky Move/ACCA at Revolver23/24 September, 14/15 October, 4/5 November & 16/17 December 1999...
Rewind: A posse of Scots
...nbsp; The intention was to develop the possibility of exchanges between Sydney and Scotland and enhance the already established connections made by artists such as Narelle Jubelin, Kate Daw, and others who had attended and travelled to the Glasgow Art School as visiting faculty and students. As part...
Rewind: Above and Beyond: The Asian Connection
Curated by Clare Williamson and Michael Snelling. Artists: Kate Beynon, Neil Emmerson, Simryn Gill, Emil Goh, Joan Grounds, Pat Hoffie, Lindy Lee, Alwin Reamillo, Kevin Todd, Judy Watson, Guan Wei, Ah Xian, John YoungIn 1996 Lesley Alway was the Manager of Industry Development, Research...