Marlene Gilson

The exhibition Sovereignty focuses upon contemporary art of First Nations peoples of South East Australia, and keynote historical works, to explore culturally and linguistically diverse narratives of self-determination, identity, sovereignty and resistance.
10. Brook Andrew & Trent Walter Standing by Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner 2016
For the 2016 ACCA exhibition Sovereignty Wadawurrung Elder Aunty Marlene Gilson contributed Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner 2015, which depicts the day of the hanging of the two young men in Franklin Street, Melbourne. If you look...
Press Release
Courtin-Wilson & Uncle Jack Charles, Megan Cope, Vicki Couzens, Destiny Deacon & Virginia Fraser, Marlene Gilson, Korin Gamidji Institute, Brian Martin, Bruce McGuinness, Kent Morris, Bill Onus, Steaphan Paton, Bronwyn Razem, Reko Rennie, Steven Rhall, Yhonnie Scarce, Peter Waples-Crowe...