Melanie Smith

Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study a whole generation of artists from the ‘90s, which includes Francis Alÿs, Abraham Cruzvillegas and Melanie Smith, as well as a complex, burgeoning and much-discussed contemporary scene in the early twenty-first century. Authored by the city as much as they are authors of it, the work...
Press Release
Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study
...of the 19th century, and New York the capital of the 20th, then Mexico City is the capital of the 21st. Artists such as Francis Alÿs, Abraham Cruzvillegas and Melanie Smith are crucial factors in the development and cultivation of Mexico City, as place, myth, metropolis and site of cultural production...

Art Club — Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study at ACCA
...strongest economy, but as a node of rich and potent cultural production. This is in part thanks to a whole generation of artists from the ‘90s which include Francis Alÿs, Abraham Cruzvillegas and Melanie Smith as well as a burgeoning, much-discussed contemporary scene. Authored by the city as much...