Peter Noble

Blakness: Blak City Culture!
...this exhibition toured throughout 1995 and 1996.Curated by Hetti Perkins and Clare WilliamsonExhibiting Artists: Destiny Deacon, Brook Andrew, Joanne Currie, r e a, Peter Noble, Clinton PetersenPublication...
Rewind: Blakness: Blak City Culture!
...8220;:”360”}}]]Destiny Deacon, Triplicats, 1993. Courtesy the artist and ACCA Archive
The artists represented in the exhibition were Destiny Deacon, Brook Andrew, r e a, Clinton Nain (Petersen), Joanne Currie and Peter Noble. Fundamental to Blakness...

Book Book
...long stitch binding, flat-back casebound books and several stab bindings (Japanese four-hole, noble binding, tortoise-shell binding, hemp-leaf binding). Myungah Hyon is a Chicago-based artist and educator. She is an adjunct professor in the Department of Printmedia at the School of the Art Institute...