Sandra Bridie

...such as presentation and context.Guest curated by Ben CurnowExhibiting Artists: Sandra Bridie, Vincente Buron, Sophie Coombs, Julian Dashper, Marco Fusinato, Stephen Little, Kate Mackay, Patrick PoundPublication...
An eye on the future: ACCA and Next Wave and ACCA continues to be a space for nurturing and sustaining practice as these careers develop and mature.
30 April – 29 May 1994
Curated by Ben Curnow
Artists: Sandra Bridie...
Texts for
Helen Grogan,
Specific In-Between
Emily Cormack, Matthew Day, Atlanta Eke, Brian Fuata, Agatha Gothe-Snape, Nathan Gray, Helen Grogan, Bianca Hester, Becky Hilton, Shelley Lasica, Katie Lee, Bridie Lunney, Kate MacNeill, Sandra Parker, Geoff Robinson, Philipa Rothfield, Charlie Sofo, Benjamin Woods, Wrong Solo, and other contributing artists and audiences.
PART 5. Migrating frames (of space and view)
Katie Lee, Bridie Lunney and Sandra Parker each discuss their approaches to embodiment, movement and absence. These presentations open discussion for the specific ontologies of bodies emerging within the artist’s recent projects and reseach. This simply structure...

Helen Grogan, SPECIFIC IN-BETWEEN (The choreographic negotiated in six parts)
Hester, Becky Hilton, Shelley Lasica, Katie Lee, Bridie Lunney, Kate MacNeill, Sandra Parker, Geoff Robinson, Philipa Rothfield, Charlie Sofo, Benjamin Woods, Wrong Solo, and other contributing artists and audiences...