Steve McQueen

In the dark and intimate spaces of ACCA's reconfigured galleries, artists in this exhibition contemplated passion, love and longing, as well as feelings of disquiet, loss and loneliness.
Exhibiting Artists: Louise Bourgeois, Nan Goldin, Steve McQueen, Sophie Calle, Mariele Neudecker, Jesper Just...

A Biography of Daphne
A Biography of Daphne is a curatorial project that revisits the Classical myth of Daphne as the starting point for an investigation of trauma and metamorphosis, symbiosis and entanglement in contemporary art. Daphne, the nymph who turned into a tree to evade the assault of the god Apollo, is a figure in, and of, crisis, […]
Press Release
A Biography of Daphne
Mathew Jones, Candice Lin and P. Staff, Steve McQueen, Jill Magid, Nicholas Mangan, Inge Meijer, Jean-Luc Moulène, Ciprian Mureșan, Agostino dei Musi, Jean Painlevé, Roee Rosen...