Bequests and Planned Giving

Leaving a gift in your Will creates a lasting legacy and investment in ACCA’s future.

Bequests provide ACCA with certainty and capacity for growth, to support long-term projects, commission artists on a more ambitious scale, and embed enduring programs and partnerships.

We invite you to get in touch with us via phone or email to discuss your planned gift and how you can make a lasting impact at ACCA, and so we can acknowledge your contribution during your lifetime. Contact Laura De Neefe, Director, Development & Engagement via email at or call (03) 9697 9999.

Wording your Bequest:

To leave a cash gift to ACCA, you can use this prepared wording in your Will:

I GIVE an amount of [INSERT AMOUNT IN WORDS] dollars [$INSERT AMOUNT IN FIGURES] to the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (ABN 53 089 604 277) (‘ACCA’) for the general purposes of the charity AND I DIRECT AND DECLARE that the receipt of the Treasurer (or other authorised officer) for the time being of that charity shall be a full and complete discharge to my Trustee. If at my death ACCA has ceased to exist or has amalgamated with another charity or has changed its name this legacy shall not fail but my Trustee shall pay it to the charitable organisation which my Trustee considers most nearly fulfils the objects that I intend to benefit.

Get in Touch:

For all other gifts, please get in touch by emailing Laura De Neefe, Director, Development & Engagement at or calling (03) 9697 9999.