An ACCA ARTBOX filled with art materials and adaptable instructions is sent to participating schools allowing teachers to run artmaking sessions inspired by ACCA exhibitions from their classrooms.
Recommended for F-6 students, 90-minute session. CURRENTLY BOOKED OUT

Our ACCA Educators facilitate in-school visits which are designed to support the creative and critical thinking capacity of students and involve exploring, discussing and making artworks inspired by ACCA artists and exhibitions.
The in-school visits are also designed to support further connection with schools who may not have easy access to ACCA.

Our GO Metro and GO Regional programs support schools to visit ACCA through transport subsidies.
These programs are designed to support schools without easy access to contemporary art learning experiences with emphasis placed on schools from rural and regional areas as well as inner and outer- metropolitan schools experiencing disadvantage.

An ACCA Education community access initiative designed for young people and families looking to access fun, adaptable and thought-provoking art making activities. Each box contains all the necessary instructions and materials needed to undertake an activity which responds meaningfully to an artwork from a past ACCA exhibition.We are currently offering these kits FREE to young people and families who do not have easy access to art-making materials. CURRENTLY BOOKED OUT