Gail Hastings: Mission – Untitled (blue) and Setting the Scene for Nobody

Sat 17 Mar 2001–
Sun 22 Apr 2001

ACCA, Dallas Brooks Drive, The Domain

Mission – Untitled (blue) was both a video and sculptural installation in which the viewer’s mission (should they decide to accept it, according to Hastings’ MI-style soundtrack) was to track and identify a blue monochrome painting located at a local train station. The point of view within the video projection presented at ACCA was presumably that of the viewer searching for the work; getting on and off trains, walking underground, collecting clues, before finally witnessing someone else taking (snatching) the painting. The clues found within the film were exhibited in an adjacent space as actual sculpture, the whole ensemble a reflection on the allure of painting set around a fictional Cold War spy thriller plot-line topped off with a jaunty soundtrack provided by Australian band The Go-Betweens.

Mission – Untitled (blue) 


Gail Hastings