Imaging AIDS

Fri 27 Jan 1989–
Sun 26 Feb 1989

ACCA, Dallas Brooks Drive, The Domain

An exhibition and publication that engaged in a critical examination of the issues surrounding the AIDS virus, the most serious threat to public health at the time. The exhibition addressed the ‘crisis of representation’ that existed around AIDS and artists were invited to present new or existing works that affirmed the identities of those at risk of AIDS.

Presented as part of the Midsumma Festival, 1989. Linden Gallery also presented works as part of the exhibition.

Curated by Chris McAuliffe, Richard Perram and others.

Exhibiting artists: An open call was made to over 80 artists, any artist could exhibit. Garry Adams, Greg Ades, Bashir Baraki, Craig Bird, Stuart Black, Chris Capper, Jon Cattapan, Kim Donaldson, Vince Dziekan, Neil Emmerson, Malcolm Enright, Fraser Fair, Merilyn Fairskye, Fiona Hall, Brent Harris, Ian Howard, Leahanne Hunter, Riva Long, Mathew Jones, Deborah Kelly, Dale Knight, Anne Macdonald, Lutz Presser, Stewart MacFarlane, John Mackinnon, Sally Mannall, Lewis Miller, Michael Pearce, Sarah Pears, Kenton Penley, Catherine Phillips, Trevor Pullen, Randelli (Robert Randall and Frank Bendinelli), Bernhard Sachs, Sally Smart, Ralph Traviato, Tony Trembath, Kathy Triffit, Paul Young, Lachlan Warner, Ross Watson, Kevin Wilson

Imaging AIDS exhibition brochure
Imaging AIDS Essays

In the Press
11 January, The Australian, A brush with death and damnation
13 January, The Australian, A portrait of laughter and tears
15 February, Southern Cross, Art world joins war against AIDS
16 January, The Herald, AIDS awareness through art

Other Material
Art is not enough, an Imaging AIDS project