Moving Performances

Tue 28 Feb 1989–
Sun 19 Mar 1989

ACCA, Dallas Brooks Drive, The Domain

A month long program of performance-related exhibitions by a range of artists.

Week 1: Stephen Woodrow Taylor (UK): The Living Paintings and Jill Orr: Photographic Survey of Site-Specific Performance 1978-1988
Week 2: Trash and Junk Culture: An All Consuming Consumption: two lectures and six educational displays on exploitation, violence and pornography by Philip Brophy and Maria Kozic, Ian Haig and Andrew Haig
Week 3: Collaborations: four evenings of collaborative performance by David Watt and Stephen Wigg, Michele Luke and Richard Grayson, Mark Rogers and Martin Heywood (Grotesque Monkey Choir) and Sarah Miller and Derek Kreckler (Told by an Idiot)

Exhibiting artists: Philip Brophy and Maria Kozic, Richard Grayson, Derek Kreckler, Michele Luke, Sarah Miller, Jill Orr, Maryann Redpath, Mark Rogers, David Watt, Stephen Wigg, Stephen Taylor Woodrow

Trash and Junk Culture Program
Jill Orr Catalogue

In the Press
15 February, The Australian, Ouch the portraits just pulled my hair
23 February, The Herald, There’s an art to just hanging around
26 February, Sunday Observer, When artists turn into canvas
22 March, The Herald, Bad taste was never this bad