various throughout metropolitan Melbourne
To coincide with NEW06, ACCA used the occasion of the Commonwealth Games to create a special set of external and site-specific art projects that would interact with the public, the city and the idea of team spirit.
Exhibiting Artists: Tony Schwensen, Justene Williams, Victoria Lawson, Space Pork Adventures, Shaun Gladwell, Chris Bennie, David Chesworth and Sonia Leber, Temp-Team, Inverted Topology
Commissioning Curator: Juliana Engberg
Coordinating Curator: Anna MacDonald
+Plus Factors
In the Press
23 February, Melbourne Magazine, Gabrielle DeVietri
15 March, The Age, Marathon man doesn't need a coach, he just need a couch
15 March, The Age, Playing at art
undated, Eyeline, Plus Factors
Other Material
NEW06 & +Plus Factors brochure