Tracey Moffatt and Margaret Dawson: Photo / History

Wed 25 Nov 1998–
Sun 31 Jan 1999

ACCA, Dallas Brooks Drive, The Domain

This exhibition presented the Melbourne premier of two major new bodies of photographic work that explored the relationships between the photographic image, history, narrative and fantasy.

Tracey Moffat’s Up in the Sky, a series of 25 off-set prints, depicted a cast of characters within the Australian outback which defied any reading as a coherent narrative. Moffatt’s first video installation Heaven first exhibited at the Dia Centre in New York, was also presented. New Zealand artist Margaret Dawson exhibited The Men From Uncle, 26 black and white photographs in which her elderly uncle features in the re-staging of well known images from photographic history.

Tracey Moffatt and Margaret Dawson: Photo / History

In the Press
ACCA Press Release

Other Material
List of Works