Cassie Sullivan


Between Waves presented at Plimsoll Gallery, Hobart

...and Cassie Sullivan. The exhibition presents ten ambitious new commissions that traverse internal and external worlds, embracing the sensory and cyclical rhythms of light and sound, thinking and feeling, listening and seeing, interwoven with ideas...

Between Waves presented at Casula Powerhouse, NSW

Quadrio, Cassie Sullivan, this mob This project has been supported by Creative Victoria through the Yalingwa Visual Arts Initiative and the NETS Victoria Exhibition Development Fund; and the Australian Government’s Visions of Australia program...

Between Waves

“Between Waves” exhibition showcases outstanding First Peoples art and curatorial practice in Southeast Australia with ten new commissions exploring energy fields and interconnected ecologies. Featuring artists such as Maree Clarke, Jazz Money, and Mandy Quadrio, curated by Jessica Clark.


Artist Statement: Cassie Sullivan

i have drowned here
in these waters
of brine 
and salt
and preservation
The ancestors hang here. Float, suspended in the neverwhere and the everywhen. 
A succession of experiences, of traumas, of attempted erasures. Those forced to sacrifice ceremony for survival. 
Country holds a space for them here, will always know them. And I hold them here, in my sinew and my […]


Online Teacher Professional Learning with artist Cassie Sullivan

Save the date! ACCA Education presents a free online professional learning session alongside exhibition Between Waves, with artist Cassie Sullivan in conversation with curator Jessica Clark. This is an exciting...

Between Waves Artist Talks and Opening Celebration

Money, Mandy Quadrio and Cassie Sullivan led by curator Jessica Clark. 3.15pm Welcome to Country with Mandy Nicholson, song and dance with the Djirri Djirri dance group. Opening celebrations continue to 5pm...

Between Waves | Exhibition Kit

...and a digital commission to illuminate the interconnected web of what can and cannot be seen. Artists: Maree Clarke, Dean Cross, Brad Darkson, Matthew Harris, James Howard, Hayley Millar Baker, Jazz Money, Mandy Quadrio, Cassie Sullivan and this mob...

Between Waves

...a national context. Artists: Hayley Millar Baker, Maree Clarke, Dean Cross, Brad Darkson, Matthew Harris, James Howard, Jazz Money, Mandy Quadrio, Cassie Sullivan, and this mob The publication...

Between Waves

Artists: Hayley Millar Baker, Maree Clarke, Dean Cross, Brad Darkson, Matthew Harris, James Howard, Jazz Money, Mandy Quadrio, Cassie Sullivan, and this mob The publication features detailed documentation of all exhibited works, a curatorial essay...

James Howard, Mandy Quadrio and Jessica Clark speak about the exhibition ‘Between Waves’

Exhibition Development Fund, supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria. Curator: Jessica Clark Artists: Hayley Millar Baker, Maree Clarke, Dean Cross, Brad Darkson, Matthew Harris, James Howard, Jazz Money, Mandy Quadrio, Cassie Sullivan, and this mob. Video produced by Gatherer Media...

Teacher Professional Learning

Online session with Cassie Sullivan Mithu Sen: mOTHERTONGUE Workshop with Mithu Sen Data...
Press Release

Maree Clarke awarded $60,000 Yalingwa Fellowship

Titled Between Waves, the exhibition will also include a new work by Maree Clarke, and new commissions by artists Dean Cross, Brad Darkson, Matthew Harris, James Howard, Hayley Millar Baker, Jazz Money, Cassie Sullivan and Mandy Quadrio that explore and experiment with the visible and invisible energy fields and flows of light, time, and vision.
Press Release

2023 Artistic Program

...2023 Yalingwa Exhibition July 1–September 3 Artists: Maree Clarke, Dean Cross, Brad Darkson, Matthew Harris, James Howard, Hayley Millar Baker, Jazz Money, Cassie Sullivan, this mob, and Mandy Quadrio Curator...

Between Waves Curatorial Essay

...and experiment with the intersections of material and immaterial realms of knowledge and knowing. Collectively, works of art by Maree Clarke, Brad Darkson, Dean Cross, Matthew Harris, James Howard, Hayley Millar Baker, Jazz Money, Cassie Sullivan, this mob, and Mandy Quadrio, illuminate an interconnected web...
Press Release

Between Waves

...of outstanding contemporary First Peoples art and curatorial practice in Southeast Australia.  Curated by Jessica Clark, the exhibition features new works by Maree Clarke, Dean Cross, Brad Darkson, Matthew Harris, James Howard, Hayley Millar Baker, Jazz Money, Cassie Sullivan, this mob...

First Nations Curatorial Symposium

Brad Darkson (Narungga); Matthew Harris (Yorta Yorta); Hayley Millar Baker (Gunditjmara); Jazz Money (Wiradjuri); Mandy Quadrio (Trawlwoolway, Pairrebeenner); Cassie Sullivan (palawa); and this mob, members include Jenna Lee (Gulumerridjin/Larrakia, Wardaman, KarraJarri); Jenna Rain Warwick (Luritja...