Chris Sharp

Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study
...of these contemporary artists is crucial in the development and cultivation of Mexico City as a place, myth, metropolis and site of cultural production in the global imaginary.
Developed by guest curator Chris Sharp, assisted by Fabiola Talavera, Dwelling...

Masterclass: Chris Sharp on Curating
Guest curator, Chris Sharp discusses the curatorial process developing and realising 'Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study' at ACCA (21 April–24 June 2018). Chris reflects more generally on the subject of curating, and in relation to his curatorial projects and co-direction of Lulu...
Masterclass: Chris Sharp on Curating
Guest curator, Chris Sharp discusses the curatorial process developing and realising 'Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study' at ACCA (21 April–24 June 2018). Chris reflects more generally on the subject of curating, and in relation to his curatorial projects and co-direction of Lulu...

Masterclass: Chris Sharp on Curating
Join Chris Sharp as he discusses the curatorial process developing and realising Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study at ACCA. Chris will reflect more generally on the subject of curating, and in relation to his curatorial projects and co-direction of Lulu, a project space...

Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study
Developed by guest curator Chris Sharp, assisted by Fabiola Talavera, Dwelling Poetically proposes a portrait of the Mexican capital through a selection of artists that live, have lived in, or frequently pass through, the city, all the while contributing to its...

Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study
Developed by guest curator Chris Sharp, assisted by Fabiola Talavera, Dwelling Poetically proposes a portrait of the Mexican capital through a selection of artists that live, have lived in, or frequently pass through, the city, all the while contributing to its...

Dwelling Poetically: Artist and Curator talks
Hear insights about Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study from curator Chris Sharp and exhibiting artists ektor garcia, Isabel Nuño de Buen, and Martin Soto Climent on the first Saturday of the exhibition...

Sunday Sessions: Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study
Sunday Sessions are free guided tours with ACCA’s knowledgeable Gallery Attendants held every Sunday at 3pm.
Join the tour to hear more about Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study, guest curator Chris Sharp, the artists and their works, alongside personal reflections.
All welcome
No bookings required...

Sunday Sessions: Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study
Sunday Sessions are free guided tours with ACCA’s knowledgeable Gallery Attendants held every Sunday at 3pm.
Join the tour to hear more about Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study, guest curator Chris Sharp, the artists and their works, alongside personal reflections.
All welcome
No bookings required...

Sunday Sessions: Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study
Sunday Sessions are free guided tours with ACCA’s knowledgeable Gallery Attendants held every Sunday at 3pm.
Join the tour to hear more about Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study, guest curator Chris Sharp, the artists and their works, alongside personal reflections.
All welcome
No bookings required...

Sunday Sessions: Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study
Sunday Sessions are free guided tours with ACCA’s knowledgeable Gallery Attendants held every Sunday at 3pm.
Join the tour to hear more about Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study, guest curator Chris Sharp, the artists and their works, alongside personal reflections.
All welcome
No bookings required...
Press Release
Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study
...economy, but as a node of rich and potent cultural production, in part thanks to a whole generation of artists from the ‘90s through to the burgeoning, much-discussed contemporary art scene of today.
In this new exhibition curated by Chris Sharp...

...and Johan Lundh, Bruce Hainley, David Homewood, S.T Lore, Aodhan Madden, Tara McDowell, Laura Preston, Chris Sharp and Eleanor Ivory Weber, together with reproductions of works by Richard Frater, George Egerton-Warburton, Ash Kilmartin, Alex Vivian, Paul Bai, Jessie Bulliant, Adelle Mills and Kate Newby. ...

NEW15 catalogue
...and Johan Lundh, Bruce Hainley, David Homewood, S.T Lore, Aodhan Madden, Tara McDowell, Laura Preston, Chris Sharp and Eleanor Ivory Weber, together with reproductions of works by Richard Frater, George Egerton-Warburton, Ash Kilmartin, Alex Vivian, Paul Bai, Jessie Bulliant, Adelle Mills and Kate Newby. ...
Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study
Developed by guest curator Chris Sharp, assisted by Fabiola Talavera, this exhibition proposes a portrait of the Mexican capital through a selection of artists that live, have lived in, or frequently pass through, the city, all the while contributing to its composition. As a case study of one...

The Biography of Things
...of The Biography of Things; Lizzie Muller, Director of the Master of Curating and Cultural Leadership at UNSW Art and Design; Chris Sharp, a writer and curator based in Mexico City; Wayne Tunnicliffe, Head Curator, Australian Art, at the Art Gallery of New South Wales, and Adela Yawitz, curator of public events and residencies at KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin. ...

The Biography of Things catalogue
...of The Biography of Things; Lizzie Muller, Director of the Master of Curating and Cultural Leadership at UNSW Art and Design; Chris Sharp, a writer and curator based in Mexico City; Wayne Tunnicliffe, Head Curator, Australian Art, at the Art Gallery of New South Wales, and Adela Yawitz, curator of public events and residencies at KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin. ...

Art Club — Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study at ACCA
This month Art Club explores ACCA's exhibition Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study curated by Chris Sharp.
One of the great cross-roads of north America, Mexico City has taken prominence not only as one of America’s most populous urban centres, and as Latin America’s...
Data in contemporary art exhibitions by Miriam Kelly
While ultimately shocking and dark in its introduction of these issues, Metric mysticism: A troll’s tale is dripping with the artist’s sharp humour, and finely honed skill at making simultaneously fantastical and logical connections...