Jill Scott

Jill Scott: The Body Remembers
This retrospective of Jill Scott’s work was presented at ACCA as part of the 1996 Experimenta Festival. An international figure in electronic media art, Scott’s works included Frontiers of Utopia, an interactive work that allowed the viewer to experience...

25 Years of Performance Art
Artists: John Davis, Jill Scott, Mike Parr, Sam Schoenbaum, Peter Tyndall, Jill Orr, Anne Graham, Stephen Cummins, Shelley Lasica
In the Press...

Recent Australian Video
Gillies, Leigh Hobba, Randelli (Robert Randall and Frank Bendinelli), Jill Scott.PublicationRecent Australian...

Video Now: Recent Australian Video
...of Technology, the Australian Film and Television School, the Phillip Institute and Melbourne State College.
Exhibiting artists: Warren Burt, Peter Callas, David Chesworth, Leigh Hobba, Steven Jones, Marinka Kordis, Jean-Marc Le Pechoux, Martin Munz, Randelli, Sue Richter, Carol Rudyard, Jill Scott...