Lauren Burrow


A Biography of Daphne

A Biography of Daphne is a curatorial project that revisits the Classical myth of Daphne as the starting point for an investigation of trauma and metamorphosis, symbiosis and entanglement in contemporary art. Daphne, the nymph who turned into a tree to evade the assault of the god Apollo, is a figure in, and of, crisis, […]


A Biography of Daphne Professional Learning Program for Teachers

Art-making workshops for teachers Join the ACCA Education team as we host a day of discussion and experimental art-making with A Biography of Daphne exhibiting artist Lauren Burrow. During this 1-day professional learning program, we...

A Biography of Daphne Artist talks: Lauren Burrow and Nicholas Mangan

Join artists Lauren Burrow and Nicholas Mangan as they discuss their works featured in the exhibition A Biography of Daphne. This event will take place at ACCA galleries, followed by a public opening...

A Biography of Daphne Artist Talks: Lauren Burrow and Nicholas Mangan

Listen to artists Lauren Burrow and Nicholas Mangan as they discuss their works featured in the exhibition 'A Biography of Daphne'. ​‘A Biography of Daphne’ is a curatorial project that revisits the Classical myth of Daphne as the starting point for an investigation of trauma and metamorphosis...

A Biography of Daphne Artist Talks: Lauren Burrow and Nicholas Mangan

Listen to artists Lauren Burrow and Nicholas Mangan as they discuss their works featured in the exhibition 'A Biography of Daphne'. ​‘A Biography of Daphne’ is a curatorial project that revisits the Classical myth of Daphne as the starting point for an investigation of trauma and metamorphosis...

A Biography of Daphne Panel Discussion

Join us for A Biography of Daphne panel discussion with Mihnea Mircan (curator), Lauren Burrow, Nicholas Mangan, Belinda Scerri (CoVA/University of Melbourne, School of Culture and Communication), with pre...

A Biography of Daphne Exhibition Kit

Lauren Burrow, A stick developing eyes 2020-2021 Katie West, Warna/Ground 2018, Hold 2018...

Teacher Professional Learning

...and workshop with Paul Yore 2021 A biography of Daphnes Workshop with Lauren Burrow...
Press Release

A Biography of Daphne

Monash University. Participating artists: Becky Beasley, Erik Bünger, Lauren Burrow, Fabien Giraud and Raphaël Siboni, Gabrielle Goliath, Ho Tzu Nyen, Sanja Iveković...