Ron Terada

Universal Picture: Geoffrey Farmer, Ron Terada, Myfanwy Macleod as part of the Melbourne International Biennale: Signs of Life
Presented as part of the 1999 Melbourne International Biennial: Signs of Life this selection of contemporary Canadian art was made by Vancouver curator Kitty Scott and included artists who shared a conceptual interest in mass culture and irreverent humour.
Guest curated by Kitty Scott
PublicationUniversal Pictures information sheetQuick Responses: 9 Commentaries on the 1999 Melbourne International Biennale
In […]
Rewind: Universal Pictures
...this, as does the work of the other artists in the Pavilion. Ron Terada’s powerful word-based paintings reiterating platitudes and their restaging (via the canvas) in the gallery caused us to question their relation to our own contexts. Similarly, Myfanwy Macleod’s giant doll head and suit...
