Ronnie van Hout

PreMillennial: Signs of the Soon Coming Storm
This collaborative trans-Tasman exhibition by Mike Stevenson (Melbourne) and Ronnie van Hout (Christchurch) approached the idea of “millennial closure with all the distrust of a doomsday cult”. Both witty and disturbing, the exhibition comprised sculpture, drawing, photography...

Uncommon Knowledge: Ronnie van Hout
Master of slapstick existentialism, Ronnie van Hout’s large scale sculptures, installations and photographs tread the line between humour and the macabre.
In this lecture Ronnie van Hout discusses his lifelong interest in UFOs: exploring the truth behind flying saucers, alien abductions...
Uncommon Knowledge: Ronnie van Hout
Master of slapstick existentialism, Ronnie van Hout’s large scale sculptures, installations and photographs tread the line between humour and the macabre.
In this lecture Ronnie van Hout discusses his lifelong interest in UFOs: exploring the truth behind flying saucers, alien abductions...

Uncommon Knowledge: Ronnie van Hout on UFOs and amateurism
Master of slapstick existentialism, Ronnie van Hout’s large scale sculptures, installations and photographs tread the line between humour and the macabre.
In this lecture van Hout will discuss his lifelong interest in UFOs: exploring the truth behind flying saucers, alien abductions...
Rewind: Mike Stevenson & Ronnie van Hout: Premillenial, signs of the soon coming storm
...was a joint exhibition by Michael Stevenson and Ronnie van Hout and represented one of the first major exhibitions in Australia by these two significant New Zealand artists. The exhibition was deeply rooted in the fin-de-siecle malaise of the 1990’s (remember Y2K?) and played with what were...