A World of One’s Own: Invisible Forces of Powerful Women with Sanné Mestrom

published 22 Nov 2018
Can we maintain a lightness of being using heavy materials? What is the role of a public artist and how is this changing? In this spirited conversation, Tai Snaith and Sanné Mestrom discuss what it means to be a self-made woman interested in the relationship between the lived world and the perceived world. They talk about depicting women with ‘gravity’ and a new way of how the female form might fit into the landscape. They discuss embarking on motherhood as an early to mid career artist and being okay with breastfeeding in the foundry, amongst many other things. Additional Resources: Sanné’s website: http://www.mestrom.org/ Les Demoiselles d’Avignon: https://www.moma.org/collection/works/79766 Prudence Flint: http://www.prudenceflint.com/ Architectural follies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folly Manifesto: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manifesto_(2015_film)