A World of One’s Own: Kate Just

published 19 Dec 2018
What does it mean to make artwork with a social consciousness? How do we represent our politics through what we wear? Tai Snaith and Kate Just discuss the way that clothes, like skin, can carry a multitude of meanings, stories and histories to make up who we are. Kate talks about using other artists’ clothes as the palette or starting point for constructing her current portraits. Our conversation outlines Kate’s very real motives for making change within the art institution to make it a more diverse and balanced community and the capacity that each of us have to work together to achieve change. Additional resources: Feminist Fan: http://www.katejust.com/feminist-fan/ Kate’s PhD project, The Texture of Her Skin: http://www.katejust.com/phd-texture-of-her-skin/ Catherine Opie: https://www.guggenheim.org/blogs/checklist/catherine-opie-denise-duhamel-and-the-stories-of-a-self-portrait Kate’s dream: https://www.instagram.com/p/BojWGCGlj0b/ Paris is Burning (1990): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_Is_Burning_(film) The Furies: http://www.katejust.com/the-furies/ https://www.britannica.com/topic/Furies City of Port Phillip Rupert Bunny Fellowship: http://www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/rbf_fellowship.htm Tracy Connelly, The Age 2018: https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/five-years-on-still-no-answers-in-the-murder-of-st-kilda-sex-worker-tracy-connelly-20180710-p4zqnc.html View the whole podcast series here: https://acca.melbourne/explore/podcasts/a-world-of-ones-own/