A World of One’s Own: The Same Sky with Lucreccia Quintanilla

published 19 Oct 2018
How can we make Culture rather than Art? Is the sky a black velvet blanket? Tai Snaith's podcast series returns with 13 more conversations with mid-career and emerging women and non-binary artists whom she admires. In episode one, Tai and Lucreccia Quintanilla discuss how having a punk attitude and how not necessarily wanting to fit in can be a good thing. Lucreccia talks about a process of finding ‘her people’ and then simply asking ‘what do we wanna do?’ as a way to begin making work. Together they share their love of the power of the dance floor and the mystery of the conch.  Additional resources: http://lucreccia-quintanilla.squarespace.com/ https://www.banffcentre.ca/programs/banff-artist-residence-summer-2018 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octavia_E._Butler https://acca.melbourne/explore/podcasts/a-world-of-ones-own/