Dhumba Narbethong – Welcome To Country N’arweet Carolyn Briggs

published 13 Jul 2018
Welcome to Country by N'arweet Carolyn Briggs, Boon Wurrung Elder and Director, Boon Wurrung Foundation. This is track 1 of 9 for Dhumba Narbethong, an afternoon of storytelling and song around the fire in the ACCA courtyard Recorded on Saturday 7 July 2018. Specials thanks to Aunty Fay Muir, Boon Wurrung Language Custodian for the name Dhumba Narbethong (lively chats/stories). Program made possible with support of Program Partners: Indigenous Languages and Arts Program, Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages, Presenting Partner Creative Victoria and Lead Media Partner The Saturday Paper. Further info: https://acca.melbourne/exhibition/a-lightness-of-spirit-is-the-measure-of-happiness/