Pathways To Politics: In conversation with Laura Tingle
published 04 Jun 2018
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A conversation between Chief Political Correspondent, 7:30, ABC Laura Tingle and Chair of Trawalla Foundation and Pathways to Politics Advisory Committee member Carol Schwartz.
This event is presented by The University of Melbourne, School of Government for the Pathways to Politics Program for Women with the Trawalla Foundation and hosted by ACCA in the gallery during the 2017–18 exhibition 'Unfinished Business: Perspectives on art and feminism'.
Laura Tingle is a journalist, author, former Political Editor of the Australian Financial Review and current Chief Political Correspondent for the ABC's 7:30 program.
The Pathways to Politics Program for Women based at the University of Melbourne’s School of Government is modelled on the Harvard Kennedy School program ‘From Harvard Square to the Oval Office.’ It is a non-partisan initiative funded by the Trawalla Foundation that will provide a select group of female University of Melbourne students and alumni with the skills and networks to reach elected office at local, state and national levels.
Recorded on Monday 26 February 2018
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