Uncommon Knowledge: Peter Waples-Crowe

published 06 Aug 2018
Peter Waples-Crowe on Sexuality and Aboriginal Community Health Work: In this lecture, Ngarigo queer artist Peter Waples-Crowe discusses how Aboriginal community health work has influenced his art and sense of identity. This talk was recorded at ACCA on Monday 16 July 2018 Further information: https://acca.melbourne/program/uncommon-knowledge-peter-waples-crowe-on-sexuality-and-aboriginal-community-health-work/ https://acca.melbourne/exhibition/a-lightness-of-spirit-is-the-measure-of-happiness/ Image: Peter Waples-Crowe, Black Magic series 2017–18 (detail), mixed media on canvas, 30 x 30 cm (each). Courtesy the artist