Papulu-ku Nyinjjiki (seeing houses)

Papulu-ku Nyinjjiki (seeing houses) sets out to document the harsh realities of remote indigenous housing in the Northern Territory. It attempts to tell the story of Tennant Creek through housing injustice and art—revealing these lived realities to the broader public. It is also about meaningful engagement and collaboration; celebrating the homes at Barapunta and the establishment of Wilya Janta housing collaboration. Taking place in Melbourne, the exhibition displayed artwork by several artists from the Tennant Creek Brio artist collective as well as photographs, drawings, and architectural models. These works have been collated and are combined with written pieces of Dreaming Stories, field trips, personal observations and detailed descriptions of the new homes.The book features Norman Frank Jupurrurla, Jimmy Frank Jupurrurla, Patricia Frank Narrurlu, Paul Memmott, Simon Quilty, The Tennant Creek Brio, Andrew Quilty, Jesse Marlow, OFFICETroppo, and more.