REACH Art – Inspiring Creative Careers is a new free ACCA Education program. The program focuses on connecting regional and remote students and teachers with leading contemporary artists, arts workers and exhibitions to build interest, knowledge, participation and career aspirations in the visual arts. The program includes seminars, practical workshops, role play, exhibition tours, art-making, online sessions and remote resources. 

REACH Art – Inspiring Creative Careers is supported by the Victorian Government.

REACH Art encompasses the following cumulative program streams:  

Designed to be flexible and tailored to participant needs, regional and remote schools can select the location and number of programs they would like to participate in.

In-gallery – Inspiring Creative Careers:

Led by ACCA Educators and developed in collaboration with the broader ACCA Team this inquiry-based program features a careers overview, an exploratory exhibition tour and a practical workshop highlighting key knowledge and skills related to the development, production and display of our renowned visual art exhibitions.

Recommended for F12 students, 90–120 minute session.

In-school – Inspiring Creative Careers:

ACCA Educators facilitate introductory presentations and participatory workshops in schools. Students are introduced to the diverse and multifaceted career pathways available in the museums and galleries sector. The practical component of the program involves exploring, discussing and creating artworks and exhibitions introducing students to the real-world skills required for a job in the arts. 

Recommended for F12 students, 90–120 minute session.

REACH Art Online Learning:

Live and pre-recorded sessions tailored to virtual classroom contexts will be available to better support rural and regional student participation with the purpose of consolidating key program content.

Recommended for 9–12 students, 45 minute session.

Victorian Curriculum Alignment:

REACH Art was developed in alignment with the Victorian Careers Curriculum Framework and the VCAA Career Education Skills and Attributes. Our programs align with a range of curricula as highlighted below.

Australian Curriculum / Visual Arts / Years F-10

Exploring and responding (AC9AVAFE01) (AC9AVA2E01) (AC9AVA2E02)* (AC9AVA4E01) (AC9AVA4E02)* (AC9AVA6E01) (AC9AVA6E02)* (AC9AVA8E01) (AC9AVA8E02)* (AC9AVA10E01) (AC9AVA10E02)*
Developing practices and skills (AC9AVAFD01) (AC9AVA2D01) (AC9AVA4D01)  (AC9AVA6D01) (AC9AVA8D01) (AC9AVA8D02) (AC9AVA10D01) (AC9AVA10D02)
Creating and making (AC9AVAFC01) (AC9AVA2C01) (AC9AVA4C01) (AC9AVA6C01) (AC9AVA8C01) (AC9AVA8C02) (AC9AVA8P01) (AC9AVA10C02)
Presenting and performing (AC9AVAFP01) (AC9AVA2P01) (AC9AVA4P01) (AC9AVA6P01) (AC9AVA10P01)

*First Nations content – exhibition dependent

Victorian Curriculum / Visual Arts / Levels F-10

Explore and Express Ideas (VCAVAE017) (VCAVAE021) (VCAVAE025) (VCAVAE029) (VCAVAE033) (VCAVAE034) (VCAVAE040) (VCAVAE041)
Visual Arts Practices (VCAVAV018) (VCAVAV022) (VCAVAV026) (VCAVAV030) (VCAVAV035) (VCAVAV036) (VCAVAV042) (VCAVAV043)
Present and Perform (VCAVAP019) (VCAVAP023) (VCAVAP027) (VCAVAP031) (VCAVAP037) (VCAVAP044)
Respond and Interpret (VCAVAR020) (VCAVAR024)* (VCAVAR028)* (VCAVAR032)* (VCAVAR038) (VCAVAR039)* (VCAVAR045) (VCAVAR046)*

*First Nations content – exhibition dependent

Victorian Curriculum / Critical & Creative Thinking / F-10

Questions and Possibilities (VCCCTQ003) (VCCCTQ010) (VCCCTQ012) (VCCCTQ022) (VCCCTQ023) (VCCCTQ033) (VCCCTQ034) (VCCCTQ044) (VCCCTQ045)
Meta-Cognition (VCCCTM007) (VCCCTM018) (VCCCTM020) 

VCE Study Designs

VCE Art Creative Practice and VCE Art Making and Exhibiting Key Knowledge and Key Skills

Program Supporters