SCREENING: A TV Dante (The Inferno: The Journey through Hell)
A TV DANTE: THE INFERNO was a highly ambitious undertaking by Britain’s Channel Four. Five directors (Peter Greenaway, Raul Ruiz, Terry Gilliam, Zbigniew Rybczynski and Nagisa Oshima) were each charged with adapting a block of the INFERNO’S 34 cantos. Raul Ruiz, introduced by Adrian Martin, spoke to Melbourne audiences.
DATE: 7 February 1993
5 February, The Age, Enigmas, variations and the search for miracles
Raul Ruiz flyer
LECTURE: ‘Neither Here not There: Current Movements in British Art’ given by guest speaker Andrew Renton, independent British curator and writer.
DATE: 25 February 1993
LECTURE: ‘Border Art Workshop’, Michael Schnorr, Narciso Arguellas, Susan Yamagata, visiting artists participating in the Biennale of Sydney.
DATE: 11 March 1993
LECTURE: by French writer Celeste Olalquiaga.
DATE: 17 March 1993
LECTURE: ‘Facing Off – the face in representation’ given by Dr John Welchman, writer and academic.
DATE: 23 March 1993
FORUM: ‘The Hard Edge: is it still possible to make radical cinema?’
Speakers: John Flaus, Vikki Riley, Dr William Routt
DATE: 18 May 1993
LECTURE: ‘The Rape – Facialized Body: Black Hole, Reading the Phallic Machine’ by guest speaker Anne Marsh, lecturer, Art History, Melbourne University as part of the In the Public Interest Lecture Series.
DATE: 27 May 1993
LECTURE: ‘Anything but Gay: Surrealism and Homophobia’ by guest speaker Ted Gott, Curator, National Gallery of Victoria as part of the In the Public Interest Lecture Series.
DATE: 15 June 1993
LECTURE: ‘Sticky labels: new contexts for lesbian and gay art practice’ as part of the In the Public Interest Lecture Series.
Speakers: Kate Reeves, Marcus O’Donnell, Linda Sproul, Robert Schubert
DATE: 22 June 1993
LECTURE: Peter Hill
DATE: 10 August 1993
Peter Hill lecture flyer
LECTURE: ‘A musical Accuracy: The politics of identity and difference’ by guest speaker Dr. Trinh T. Minh-ha, US-based filmmaker, as part of the In the Public Interest Lecture Series.
DATE: 18 August 1993
LECTURE: ‘Apocalypse Unmanned’ by guest speaker Professor Brian Massumi, Canadian social theorist, as part of the In the Public Interest Lecture Series.
DATE: 26 August 1993
DATE: 7 September 1993
Latina flyer
SYMPOSIUM: 1993 Asia-Pacific Triennial
Speakers: artists from China, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, The Philippines and New Zealand
DATE: 25 September 1993
LAUNCH: ‘Cities of Hope: Australian Architecture and Design by Edmond and Corrigan 1962-92’
DATE: 14 October 1993
LAUNCH: World Art Magazine
DATE: 5 November 1993