LAUNCH: Karen Finley, American performance artist.
DATE: 9 February 1994
PERFORMANCE: Karen Finley, artist at St Kilda Cinema
DATE: 11 February 1994
Karen Finley invitation
LECTURE: ‘Pierre Molinier check spelling (this is how it is spelt above) Exposed’ given by guest speaker Wayne Baerwaldt, Canadian curator and author of a text on Pierre Molinier.
DATE: 12 February 1994
Pierre Molinier Exposed lecture flyer
SCREENING: Films and videos by artists Sadie Benning and Andy Warhol.
DATE: 22 March 1994
Sadie Benning and Andy Warhol program
LECTURE: ‘A Tale of Two Cities: The Art of Jenny Watson’ by guest speaker Judy Annear, curator.
DATE: 30 April 1994
LECTURE: ‘The Nineties – a view from Berlin’ by guest speaker Dr Anne Marie Freybourg, independent curator from Germany.
DATE: 24 May 1994
May-August ACCA Public Programs flyer
FORUM: The Ian Burn Memorial Forum
Speakers: Carolyn Barnes, Peter Cripps, Narelle Jubelin, Chris McAuliffe, Ann Stephen; Chair: Charles Green
DATE: 1 June 1994
LECTURE: ‘Neighbourly Differences: Multicultural Arts in Canada and Australia’ by guest speaker Prof. Sneja Gunew, academic who specialises in multicultural and feminist critical theory.
DATE: 22 July 1994
ACCA Press Release
SCREENING/LECTURE: Philip Brophy’s Body Melt and ‘Your children are dead: Assorted reasons for making horror movies’.
DATE: 22 July 1994
ACCA Press Release
FORUM: Re Ma(r)king the Body: Inscription and Intervention
Speakers: Peggy Phelan, Chair of Performative Studies, New York University; Lynda Hart, Assoc Prof of English and Theatre Arts, University of Pennsylvania; Angela Ndalianis, Linda Sproul, Neil Emmerson; Convenor: Anne Marsh
DATE: 30 July 1994
PERFORMANCE: High Performance: Low Life & High Art from the USA
DATE: 31 July, 1 August 1994
High Performance: Low Life & High Art from the USA flyer
TALK: VNS Matrix: Pathogenic Vectors
DATE: 6 August 1994
LECTURE: ‘This is Not War’ given by guest speaker Paul Patton, philosopher.
DATE: 11 August 1994
ACCA Press Release
LECTURE: ‘The Politics of Incommensurability’ by guest speaker Nikos Papastergiadis.
DATE: 3 September 1994
SCREENING/LECTURE: Survival Research Laboratories
DATE: 29 September 1994
FORUM: Blakness: Blak City Culture!
Speakers: Franchesca Cubillo-Alberts, Ian Anderson, exhibiting artists
DATE: 8 October 1994
PERFORMANCE: Barbara Campbell: Backwash
Two performances of Barbara Campbell’s work originally presented in the 1993 Australian Perspecta at the Art Gallery of NSW. Backwash incorporated film, video, sound and monologue, and wove a loose inter-textual narrative derived from Heart of Darkness, Apocalypse Now, the 1937 Stinson place crash in rugged southern Queensland and Campbell’s own recollection of childhood.
DATE: 11 and 12 November 1994
Barbara Campbell: Backwash flyer
LECTURE: ‘A Philistine Culture? The relationship between the artist, the gallery and the audience in Britain’ given by guest speaker Elizabeth MacGregor, Director Ikon Gallery, Birmingham.
DATE: 15 November 1994
TALKS: Earwitness: Excursions in Sound Art
Speakers: Rodney Berry, Graeme Davis, Joyce Hinterding, Margaret Trail
DATE: 22 November 1994