Lecture – Gabrielle di Matteo and Gigiotto del Vecchio: Hallucinating Love/ History Stripped Bare
8 February 2001
Painter Gigiotto del Vecchio spoke about contemporary Italian art.
Media: Olivia Hill-Douglas Goodlife The Age, 8 Feb.
Performance – Tim Catlin and Dave Brown: Strings and Things
23 March 2001
These two separate performances by Tim Catlin and Dave Brown explored the sonic possibilities of the tampered guitar. Through a series of experiments the artists presented improvisations in guitar tunings and expanded frequencies, a live sampling of their meta-variational work.
Media: Xenia Hanusiak, Electric, electric guitars Herald Sun, 26 March p97.
Screening – Emil Goh: New Releases
4 May 2001
New Releases was a selection of recent international works curated by Sydney artist, Emil Goh, following three years spent working and living in Europe. The program represented Goh’s fresh approach to video and his interest in young artists, and included the work of many artists not previously seen in Australia.
Presented in conjunction with dlux media Arts.
Media: What to do today, The Age, Friday 4 May
Performance – Battery operated, Lazy and Michael Graeve
11 May 2001
This event comprised three separate performances by Battery operated, Lazy and Michael Graeve.
Presented in conjunction with Association Francaise d’Action Artistique and Francaise de Melbourne.
Artists: Battery operated (Tomkz, Wade Walker and Beewood), Lazy (Dave Brown and Sean Baxter) and Michael Graeve – Chases through non-place.
Media: Battery Operated, Alliance Magazine, May-June, p5.
Artist talk – Komar and Malamid: When Elephants Paint
22 June 2001
This talk by Russian ex-pat artists Komar and Melamid examined the Asian Elephant Conservation Project, which involved teaching elephants to paint and rose awareness of the plight of the Asian elephant.
Presented in conjunction with the Victorian College of the Arts.
Media: Megan Blackhouse ‘Elephant Art’, The Age, Wednesday 20 June p7.
Komar and Melamid with Bruce Berryman, ‘Sightlines’ Radio 3RRRR, 14 June
Komar and Melamid with Bruce James, Arts Today, Radio National, 20 June.
Sharon Vergis, ‘Pachydern painters make their mark’, The Age, Thursday 21 June p9.
Lecture – Csaba Toth: Ear Aesthetics/Ear Politics, Japan’s sonic underground
13 July 2001
Csaba Toth is a leading international commentator on contemporary noise composition and performance. In his public lecture at ACCA he explored the vibrant sonic underground of Japan and discussed the work of Merzbow, Hijo Kaidon, The Incapacitants and The Residents, among others.
Media: ‘Ear Aesthetics – Ear Politics’ HR Magazine, Issue 10, 6 July p12.
Education – VCE Studio Arts Seminar
13 August 2001
The seminar provided teachers with a comprehensive overview of VCE Studio Arts Unit 4: Art Industry Contexts in relation to a contemporary art gallery and contemporary art practices.
Speakers: Stuart Koop, Kate Barber, Kate MacNeil and Judy Petch
Performance – Variable Resistance #2: Absolute Concrete Mix / Sequential Pulse
Concrete Mix / Sequential Pulse was the second in Phillip Samartzis’ Variable Resistance sound events programs. It featured international artists: Rasmus Lunding’s performance of live music with interactive robots, a move away from virtual software/screen dependent activity, and an acousmatic performance by Francisco Lopez that explored the universe of ‘broad-band noise from the real world’, a process of environmental recordings taken from all over the globe.
27 August 2001
Talk – Juliana Engberg: Humid/Stacked Hotel
18 October 2001
A special evening viewing of Humid with an introduction given by exhibition curator Juliana Engberg.
Field trip – Postmodern World Symposium
26 October 2001
ACCA education officer Kate Barber led symposium participants on a field trip to visit two of the 2001 Melbourne Festival Visual Art Program venues: Tacita Dean at Span Galleries and Humid at ACCA.
Lecture – Okwui Enwezor: Documenta X
8 December 2001
In this talk, Okwui Enwezor, Director of Documenta X, discussed the ancillary events for Documenta. His visit and the reception that followed this talk represented an opportunity for local artists and arts professionals to meet this internationally renowned curator.