Gary Wilson.

Geometric Abstraction
Gary Wilson
Geometric Abstraction
In the Press...
Rewind: Geometric Abstraction
...of that younger group of Melbourne artists who would later be associated with Store 5 gallery (1989 –1993) — Gary Wilson, Rose Nolan and Melinda Harper — were exhibited in a public art gallery alongside some of their teachers and mentors. A range of approaches were in evidence, from the hard...
ACCA Backer
ACCA gratefully acknowledges the inspiring support of all ACCA Backers in March 2016:
The Alderman, Emma Anderson, Kerryn & Gary Anderson, Ruth Bain, Professor Andrew Benjamin, Claire Beynon, Michael & Maryann...
Press Release
...and a playfulness with language and signs in contemporary society.
Sovereignty will include:
New commissions and major projects by:
Brook Andrew, Jim Berg, Maree Clark, Vicki Couzens, Destiny Deacon and Virginia Fraser, Gary Foley, Kent Morris, Steaphan Paton, Rekko Rennie...