Ian Milliss

Off the Wall / In the Air: A Seventies Collection
Tony McGillick, Marie McMahon, Robert MacPherson, Bea Maddock, Ian Milliss, Kevin Mortensen, Clive Murray-White, John Nixon, Jill Orr, Robert Owen, Ti Parks, Bob Parr, Mike Parr, Paul Partos, Paul Pholeros, Mel Ramsden, Toni Robertson, Robert Rooney, Gareth Sansom, Sam Schoenbaum, Ken Searle, Lynn...

Power to the People: Contemporary Conceptualism and the Object in Art
Bookings close Monday 3 October. Free
To book info@accaonline.org.au or 9697 9999
Lucas Ihlein and Ian Milliss
Join artists, Lucas Ihlein and Ian Milliss, for a bus trip to see the art of lateral thinking in the wilds of Woodend. Their work, Yeomans Project...

Defining Moments: Object and Idea by Ian Milliss
Object and Idea: Lecture by Ian Milliss
National Gallery of Victoria Curator Brian Finemore saw the 1973 exhibition Object and Idea as a smaller conceptualist sequel to the 1968 exhibition The Field. But one invited artist, Ian Milliss, declined to participate having already moved on to working...
Defining Moments: Object and Idea by Ian Milliss
Object and Idea: Lecture by Ian Milliss
National Gallery of Victoria Curator Brian Finemore saw the 1973 exhibition Object and Idea as a smaller conceptualist sequel to the 1968 exhibition The Field. But one invited artist, Ian Milliss, declined to participate having already moved on to working...

Defining Moments: Object and Idea
Lecture by Ian Milliss
National Gallery of Victoria Curator Brian Finemore saw the 1973 exhibition Object and Idea as a smaller conceptualist sequel to the 1968 exhibition The Field. But one invited artist, Ian Milliss, declined to participate having already...
Press Release
Power to the People
Senneby, Lucas Ihlein & Ian Milliss, Derek Sullivan and the Post project, Agatha Gothe-Snape, Matthew ShannonPerformances:Agatha Gothe-SnapeEvery Artist Remembered performanceFridays, 5.30-7.30pm, ACCARoman OndákTeaching to Walk performancedaily...
Rewind: Off the Wall; In the Air: A Seventies Selection
...artists were relevant even if half forgotten, and so on.With permission, we remade an Ian Milliss foam rubber floor piece, originally from Sydney’s pioneering Inhibodress Gallery, so that visitors trod on a sculpture...
Data in contemporary art exhibitions by Miriam Kelly
...14] For expanded engagements with data visualisation in wider art, design and social practice contexts see: Ian Milliss, (guest ed.), Artlink, ‘Data Visualisation’, issue 37:1, March 2017...