Joan Grounds

Earwitness: Excursions in Sound
Leber for the Contemporary Music Events Company
Exhibiting Artists: Rodney Berry, Warren Burt, Graeme Davis, Sherre DeLys, Joan Grounds, Joyce Hinterding, Derek Kreckler, Margaret Trail
Other Material...

Above and Beyond: The Asian Connection
Curated by Clare Williamson and Michael SnellingExhibiting Artists: Kate Beynon, Neil Emmerson, Simryn Gill, Emil Goh, Joan Grounds, Pat Hoffie, Lindy Lee, Alwin Reamillo, Kevin Todd, Judy Watson, Guan Wei, Ah Xian, John YoungPublication...

Inland Robert Owen
Exhibiting Artists: George Alexander, Suzanne Barta, Terri Bird, Joan Brassil, Paul Carter, Tony Clark, Aleks Danko, John De Silento, Neil Emmerson, Rosalie Gascoigne, Joan Dickson Grounds, Graeme Hare, Tim Johnson, Penelope Lee, John Lethbridge, Geoff Lowe, Robert MacPherson, John...

Off the Wall / In the Air: A Seventies Collection
Mackinolty, Jan Mackay, Marie McMahon, Toni Robertson, Ray Young), Rosalie Gascoigne, Elizabeth Gower, William A. Gregory, Joan Dickson Grounds, Marr Roy Grounds, Dale Hickey, Ian Howard, Robert Hunter, Bob Jenyns, Tim Johnson, Peter Kennedy, Richard Larter, Bruce Latimer, Nigel Lendon, Kerrie Lester...
Rewind: Above and Beyond: The Asian Connection
...all undertaken Asialink residencies or exhibitions and Joan Grounds was the first artist from Australia to travel to Asia in 1990 when she went to Thailand as part of the original Australia Council ‘Artists in our region’ residency program...
Rewind: Inland – Corresponding Places
Joan Brassil, Paul Carter, Tony Clark, Aleks Danko, John De Silento, Neil Emmerson, Rosalie Gascoigne, Joan D. Grounds, Graeme Hare, Tim Johnson, Penelope Lee, John Lethbridge, Geoff Lowe, Robert MacPherson, John Nixon, Robert Owen, Mike Parr, Stieg Persson, Marie Sierra, Imants Tillers, Jennifer...
Monstrous Patchwork: Paul Yore’s Textile Politics by Helen Hughes
...and Joan Brossa as a means of, to quote Julia Bryan-Wilson: ‘cancelling the division between art and craft; raising up the domestic arts; and dignifying historically feminised labour.’ [6] Some patchworks, particularly those made of rags or worn-out clothing (notably...