John Nixon

John Nixon: Thesis
John Nixon: ThesisIn the Press...

John Nixon EPW 2004
John Nixon’s practice continues an artistic and theoretical investigation into radical modernism. For him the historic avant-garde is an on-going project that represents a need for experiment while adding to the history of this experiment. Nixon pursues the material character of art...

Geometric Abstraction
Rather than being a bearer of the new, geometric abstraction is today a tradition that within western, modern culture spans a full seventy years or more.”
Sue Cramer and John Nixon, curators
This exhibition included paintings by artists who worked with the various...

Painters’ Sculptures painting and the image.
Exhibiting artists: Paul Boston, David Ryan, Peter Powditch, Stephen Killick, Roy Churcher, Murray Walker, Robert Boynes, Robert Morris, John Nixon, Mike Brown, Tony Twigg, Robert Jacks, David Thorp, Robin Wallace...

Visual Tension
Arkley, Marianne Baillieu, Peter Booth, Paul Boston, Peter Cripps, Richard Dunn, Maria Kozic, John Lethbridge, Geoff Lowe, Linda Marrinon, John Matthews, John Nixon, Stieg Persson, Robert Rooney, Gareth Sansom, Vivienne Shark LeWitt, Imants Tillers, Peter Tyndall, Jenny Watson, John Young...

Inland Robert Owen
Exhibiting Artists: George Alexander, Suzanne Barta, Terri Bird, Joan Brassil, Paul Carter, Tony Clark, Aleks Danko, John De Silento, Neil Emmerson, Rosalie Gascoigne, Joan Dickson Grounds, Graeme Hare, Tim Johnson, Penelope Lee, John Lethbridge, Geoff Lowe, Robert MacPherson, John...

Australian Visions: 1984 Exxon International Exhibition
Australia Council. Opened by Manning Clark.Curated by Diane Waldman, Guggenheim Museum of Art, and presented in conjunction with Monash University Gallery.Exhibiting artists: Peter Booth, Dale Frank, John Nixon, Vivienne Shark le Wit (at ACCA); Jan Murray, Mandy Martin, Susan...

Off the Wall / In the Air: A Seventies Collection
Tony McGillick, Marie McMahon, Robert MacPherson, Bea Maddock, Ian Milliss, Kevin Mortensen, Clive Murray-White, John Nixon, Jill Orr, Robert Owen, Ti Parks, Bob Parr, Mike Parr, Paul Partos, Paul Pholeros, Mel Ramsden, Toni Robertson, Robert Rooney, Gareth Sansom, Sam Schoenbaum, Ken Searle, Lynn...

Flower Show
Presented as part of the 1996 Next Wave Festival, this exhibition was presented in the garden of ACCA and included sound and installation works.Guest curated by John MeadeExhibiting Artists: David Chesworth, Noni Nixon, David Rosetzky...

John Nixon: Thesis

John Nixon EPW 2004

A World of One’s Own: MeredithTurnbull the Ian Potter Museum of Art:
John Nixon’s pottery collection at Deakin University Art Gallery:
A World of One’s Own: MeredithTurnbull the Ian Potter Museum of Art:
John Nixon’s pottery collection at Deakin University Art Gallery:
Rewind: Geometric Abstraction
...with what I wrote then. My co-curator, artist, John Nixon designed the concept for the catalogue cover with his usual minimalist economy and flair, basing it on the generic covers of Penguin paperback novels. Their distinctive two bands of orange made a striking geometric composition in keeping...
Rewind: John Dunkley-Smith: Perspectives for conscious alterations in everyday life
...rsquo;, Perspectives for conscious alterations in everyday life, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne 1992. Original version published in ‘Textbook’, John Nixon & John Young (eds), Kerb Your Dog, no 12, Sydney, 1992.2. John Dunkley-Smith, 1992.3. John Dunkley-Smith, 1992.
Rewind: Off the Wall; In the Air: A Seventies Selection
...not prevent Mike Parr, who was in the exhibition, from criticising me for leaving out John Nixon and other conceptual and minimal artists. Such is the life of curators – and why should it not be so, for no exhibition is perfect, even one on Vermeer. The exhibition...
Rewind: Inland – Corresponding Places
Joan Brassil, Paul Carter, Tony Clark, Aleks Danko, John De Silento, Neil Emmerson, Rosalie Gascoigne, Joan D. Grounds, Graeme Hare, Tim Johnson, Penelope Lee, John Lethbridge, Geoff Lowe, Robert MacPherson, John Nixon, Robert Owen, Mike Parr, Stieg Persson, Marie Sierra, Imants Tillers, Jennifer...
Press Release
Mikala Dwyer
...documenting the artists’ career. Previous artists in the series include Pat Brassington, John Nixon, Lyndal Jones, A Constructed World, Peter Cripps, and Domenico de Clario.Goldene Bend’er runs from May 25 – July 28, alongside the exhibition One of the Things that Makes Me...
Rewind: Paul Taylor
...drawn between them finally gave conservative critics something to sink their teeth into. Through his writing, editing, publishing, curating and his social energy he formed a circle which included artists as diverse in their practice as John Nixon and Vivienne Shark LeWitt, Jenny Watson and Maria...

Defining Moments: Clifton Hill Community Music Centre
Peter Tyndall, John Nixon, Ros Bandt, Ernie Althoff and Chris Mann, among others.
Events were free and artists received no payment. It was significant that the performers and audience were deemed to be on an equal footing, where anyone could (and was encouraged to) be a performer, often utilising...

CANCELLED – Panel Discussion: Nonfiction Art Writing
...and curatorial assistant at Negative Press, archiving the prints of Australian artist John Nixon. Her recent projects include writing and design contributions to Bookworks in collaboration with Adam Cruickshank, Monash Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne, 2019; The People’s Library in collaboration with Fayen d’Evie and Izzy Hardisty, Salamanca Arts Centre, Hobart 2018; and Being as Becoming, Bus Projects, 2018.