Mel Ramsden

Off the Wall / In the Air: A Seventies Collection
Tony McGillick, Marie McMahon, Robert MacPherson, Bea Maddock, Ian Milliss, Kevin Mortensen, Clive Murray-White, John Nixon, Jill Orr, Robert Owen, Ti Parks, Bob Parr, Mike Parr, Paul Partos, Paul Pholeros, Mel Ramsden, Toni Robertson, Robert Rooney, Gareth Sansom, Sam Schoenbaum, Ken Searle, Lynn...
Public Programs, Education and Events
Lecture - Mel Ramsden: Remembering Conceptual ArtThe Fifth Ian Burn Memorial Lecture1 March 2000 A discussion by one of the leading proponents of Conceptual and Fluxus art, Mel Ramsden spoke on the legacy of Conceptual Art...