Richard Larter
Richard Larter: A Survey
A collection of works by British-born, Australia-based internationally renowned pop artist Richard Larter. The exhibition was arranged by the University Art Museum, University of QueenslandCatalogue published by UQ Art MuseumIn The Press...
In the Cut
...such as drawing, sculpture, prints and photography. They reflected the early political and utopian origins of collage, along with its potential for the fantastical and propositional in the digital age.Artists: Ellen Gallagher, Richard Larter, Linder, Elizabeth Newman, David Maljkovic, Henning Bohl...
Off the Wall / In the Air: A Seventies Collection
Mackinolty, Jan Mackay, Marie McMahon, Toni Robertson, Ray Young), Rosalie Gascoigne, Elizabeth Gower, William A. Gregory, Joan Dickson Grounds, Marr Roy Grounds, Dale Hickey, Ian Howard, Robert Hunter, Bob Jenyns, Tim Johnson, Peter Kennedy, Richard Larter, Bruce Latimer, Nigel Lendon, Kerrie Lester...
In the Cut
This catalogue from ACCA's exhibition, In the Cut, contains text on works by Ellen Gallagher, Richard Larter, Linder, Elizabeth Newman, David Maljkovic, Henning Bohl, Tom Burr, Nikolas Gambaroff, Matthew Griffin, Mathew Hale, Ry Haskings...
In the Cut booklet
This catalogue from ACCA's exhibition, In the Cut, contains text on works by Ellen Gallagher, Richard Larter, Linder, Elizabeth Newman, David Maljkovic, Henning Bohl, Tom Burr, Nikolas Gambaroff, Matthew Griffin, Mathew Hale, Ry Haskings...
Press Release
In the Cut
...suggesting ‘improvements’ of straighter hair or lighter skin. Gallagher has added shapes and patterns that obscure and parody the advertisements’ message. · A series of works by English born Australian pop artist Richard...
Collage and Life Drawing
Experiment with techniques of the handmade in this unguided workshop.