Robert Owen

Inland, an exhibition conceived and curated by Melbourne artist Robert Owen, was concerned with questions of cultural identity and the environment. Owen brought together works by 23 artists in an attempt to map the complexity and ambivalence of our relationship...

Geometric Abstraction
...legacies of mainstream modernism, constructivism, minimalism and conceptual art.
Curated by Sue Cramer and John Nixon
Exhibiting artists: Tim Burns, Peter Cripps, Leslie Dumbrell, Melinda Harper, Robert Hunter, Robert Jacks, Robert MacPherson, John Nixon, Rose Nolan, Robert Owen, Peter Tyndall...

A History of Happiness
...of the 2002 Melbourne Festival Visual Arts Program.
Exhibiting Artists: Aleks Danko, Nan Goldin, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger, Peter Land, Robert Mapplethorpe, Yoko Ono, Robert Owen, Yoshihiro Suda
Curator: Juliana Engberg

Off the Wall / In the Air: A Seventies Collection
Tony McGillick, Marie McMahon, Robert MacPherson, Bea Maddock, Ian Milliss, Kevin Mortensen, Clive Murray-White, John Nixon, Jill Orr, Robert Owen, Ti Parks, Bob Parr, Mike Parr, Paul Partos, Paul Pholeros, Mel Ramsden, Toni Robertson, Robert Rooney, Gareth Sansom, Sam Schoenbaum, Ken Searle, Lynn...
Rewind: Inland – Corresponding Places
By Robert OwenOn the time scale of evolution, our species scarcely registers. But in terms of its impact on the resources of the planet, and on the genetic heritage, which is the living foundation of the future, our brief history is all too significant...
Rewind: Geometric Abstraction
...edge and minimal works of Robert Hunter, Robert Jacks and Robert Owen, to the Op Art of Lesley Dumbrell, and the more conceptual approaches of Peter Cripps, Peter Tyndall and Robert MacPherson. MacPherson’s Where Are you Now Silvia Holmes? (1982-83...
The Resonant Image involved 10 tonnes of earth, stone, rubble, radio transmitters, electronics and video equipment installed in the gallery, and was guest curated by Sally Couacaud. Inland, curated by artist Robert Owen, also dealt with the topic...
Rewind: Grazia Gunn – ACCA’s third director with an experimental vision
ACCA’s galleries as a conventional display space. This series included the exhibition Inland curated by the artist Robert Owen.2. Wallpapers: a series of solo exhibitions...
Public programs, education and events
...of the forthcoming book,' Peril in the Square - the sculpture that challenged a city'.Speakers: Ron Robertson-Swann, Geoff WallisTalk - Robert Owen10 November 2002Artist Robert Own discussed his practice and on-going interest in eastern...
Rewind: The final count down
Gertsakis, Lyndal Jones, Peter Cripps, Richard Perram, Robert Owen, Jenepher Phipps (vale), Grazia Gunn, Jenepher Duncan, Geoff Lowe, Anna Schwartz, Claire Williamson, Natalie King, Vikki McInnes, Lesley Alway, Naomi Cass, Bridget Crone, Philip Samartzis, Kay Campbell, Gabrielle de Vietri, Charlotte...
Public Programs, Education and Events
...of the ‘Look Who’s Talking’ series of free floor talks.
Held in conjunction with the exhibition Nike Savvas: Atomic Full Of Love, Full Of Wonder & Wolfgang Laib.
Talk – Robert Owen, artist
10 July 2005...
A Conversation with Jenepher Duncan expand the critical interpretative range, including Carolyn Barnes, Naomi Cass, Natalie King, Judy Annear, Robert Owen, John Meade, Jennifer Phipps, Charles Merewether, Claire Doherty, Ben Curnow, Kevin Murray, Damon Moon, Dooley Le Cappellaine, Edward Ward, Sunil Gupta, Lisa Young and Nicholas Zurbrugg...