Ian De Gruchy


Ian de Gruchy: Video and Slide immersion

As part of the opening celebrations around the new ACCA building, Melbourne based multi-media artist Ian de Gruchy was commissioned to devise an immersive visual experience that emphasized the architecture of ACCA’s new building.

Entre-images: Ian De Gruchy – Camera

Entre-images: Ian De Gruchy - CameraIn the Press ACCA Press Release ...

Defining Moments: Post-Object Act in Australia and NZ with Anne Marsh

...of Melbourne; Media Partners Art Guide Australia, The Saturday Paper, 3RRR FM Image: Australian & New Zealand Post-Object Art: A Survey, Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide, South Australia, exhibition catalogue, Ian de Gruchy artist page (detail) 1976...

Defining Moments: Post-Object Act in Australia and NZ with Anne Marsh

...of Melbourne; Media Partners Art Guide Australia, The Saturday Paper, 3RRR FM Image: Australian & New Zealand Post-Object Art: A Survey, Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide, South Australia, exhibition catalogue, Ian de Gruchy artist page (detail) 1976...


...to their international peers’. On 15 September 2002 the new ACCA was launched amidst festivities and celebrations. Melbourne multi-media artist Ian De Gruchy was commissioned to develop an immersive video projection that showcased the building’s interior architecture. An estimated 4,500 members of the public...


Walton presented the second part of her performance trilogy.Performers: Margaret Cameron, Ian de Gruchy, Shona Innes, Felicity MacDonald, Adrian SherriffDATE: 13-19 July 1992...

Rewind: The Voice

...performance Opera, No Hope No Reason with slide installations by Ian de Gruchy, music by Walton and Hartley Newman, and libretto written by Walton and artist John Barbour.  The ACCA program also...