John Waller

Fact: An Installation, Publication, no. 6.
Therese Stuart, Douglas Thomas, Hiram To, Kevin Todd, Jane Trengove, Katarina Vesterberg, Linda Marie Walker, Richard Ward, John Waller, Adam Wolter, Andrew Wright-Smith, Nicholas Zurbrugg
Other Material
FACT flyer...

Off the Wall / In the Air: A Seventies Collection
Silverman, Guy Stuart, Imants Tillers, Peter Tyndall, Tony Tuckson, Ken Unsworth, Ruth Waller, Jenny Watson, John Wolseley
Press Release
Influential Australian Artist Series 2019 Tom Nicholson: Public Meeting
...from 1999 to the present, alongside new commissions, including:
Towards a monument to Batman’s Treaty 2013-19Taking its starting point as Melbourne’s first European chimney, built for John Batman by William Buckley...