
Geometric Abstraction
...legacies of mainstream modernism, constructivism, minimalism and conceptual art.
Curated by Sue Cramer and John Nixon
Exhibiting artists: Tim Burns, Peter Cripps, Leslie Dumbrell, Melinda Harper, Robert Hunter, Robert Jacks, Robert MacPherson, John Nixon, Rose Nolan, Robert Owen, Peter Tyndall...

ICI Contemporary Art Collection
...catalogue with an artist’s statement by each artist in the exhibition.
Exhibiting artists: Bruce Armstrong, Annette Bezor, Julie Brown Rrap, Marion Borgelt, Janet Burchill, Tim Burns, Jon Campbell, Jon Cattapan, Chris Dyson, Peter Ellis, Merilyn Fairskye, Dale Frank, Brent Harris, Bill Henson, Bob...

Off the Wall / In the Air: A Seventies Collection
Peter Booth, John Brack, Ian Burn, Tim Burns, Jenny Christmann, Bill Clements, Tony Coleing, Marlee Creaser, Aleks Danko, Isabel Davies, John Davis, Domenico de Clario, Margaret Dodd, Helen Eager, Earthworks Collective 1971-79 (Mark Arbuz, Michael Callaghan, Jan Fieldsen, Colin Little, Chips...
Rewind: Geometric Abstraction
...with the exhibition’s theme.Geometric Abstraction11 September – 12 October 1986.Exhibiting artists: Tim Burns, Peter Cripps, Leslie Dumbrell, Melinda Harper, Robert Hunter, Robert Jacks, Robert...
A Conversation with Jenepher Duncan
...endorsement through its then director Tim Jacobs, which, in effect, provided for the University’s staffing of ACCA. The organisational arrangement was that I would continue to be the director of the Monash University Gallery (MUG) (now Monash University Museum of Art, MUMA) and also take...