ACCA Book Club with Kat Clarke

published 19 Aug 2020
In this edition of ACCA Book Club, Wotjobaluk writer, consultant, artist and curator Kat Clarke discussed the role of sensation and memory in the development of a new written work. Clarke read her story ‘The Road Trip’, written in association with the 2018 ACCA exhibition 'A Lightness of Spirit is the Measure of Happiness' and finished the session with the reading of a new poem. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Kat Clarke is a proud Wotjobaluk writer, consultant, artist and curator from the Wimmera. She is an active advocate within her own community and Land Council and holds strong relationships with multiple Melbourne and Victorian communities. Graduating from RMIT in Creative Writing and majored in Screenwriting, Clarke gradually developed her craft alongside learning the ways of her cultural lore and storytelling from community and Elders dear to her. She continues to acknowledge her teachings by incorporating her own interpretations that speak through different forms of her creative practices. Clarke’s skills and knowledge in community engagement, networking, writing, the arts, and education has led her to collaborate with RMIT, Rag and Bone Man Press, Footscray Community Arts, The Koorie Heritage Trust, Screen Australia and The Lifted Brow – Blak Brow edition. She consults with mainstream, creative industries and community organisations ensuring the right cultural processes are upheld, and recently was contracted by ACMI as Assistant First Nations Curator working on the ACMI Re/new project and Cleverman: The Exhibition, where her contributions have been key throughout the development process. Further information: Recorded on Wednesday 12 August 2020