Yhonnie Scarce in conversation with Daniel Browning
published 06 Apr 2021
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Listen now to Yhonnie Scarce in conversation with Daniel Browning, producer and presenter of Awaye! on ABC Radio National, as they unpack a range of ideas in Scarce’s practice and consider the works on display in the artist’s major solo survey, 'Yhonnie Scarce: Missile Park'.
Yhonnie Scarce is an artist known for sculptural installations which span architecturally-scaled public art projects to intimately-scaled assemblages replete with personal and cultural histories. Scarce is a master glass-blower, which she puts to the service of spectacular and spectral installations full of aesthetic, cultural and political significance. Her work also engages the photographic archive and found objects to explore the impact and legacies of colonial and family histories and memory. Yhonnie Scarce was born in Woomera, South Australia, and belongs to the Kokatha and Nukunu peoples.
Daniel Browning is an Aboriginal journalist, radio broadcaster, documentary maker, sound artist and writer. Currently, he produces and presents Awaye!, the Indigenous art and culture program on ABC RN, a specialist radio network of Australia’s national broadcaster. Awaye! surveys contemporary Indigenous cultural practice across the arts spectrum. A visual arts graduate, Daniel is also a widely-published freelance arts writer. He is a former guest editor of Artlink Indigenous, and the curator of Blak Box, a specially-designed sound pavilion commissioned by Urban Theatre Projects. He studied English and Art History at the University of Queensland before graduating with a degree in visual arts from the Queensland University of Technology. Daniel is a descendant of the Bundjalung and Kullilli peoples of far northern New South Wales and south-western Queensland.
Image: Yhonnie Scarce in conversation with Daniel Browning at ACCA. Photograph: Arini Byng

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