Lindy Lee

Above and Beyond: The Asian Connection
Curated by Clare Williamson and Michael SnellingExhibiting Artists: Kate Beynon, Neil Emmerson, Simryn Gill, Emil Goh, Joan Grounds, Pat Hoffie, Lindy Lee, Alwin Reamillo, Kevin Todd, Judy Watson, Guan Wei, Ah Xian, John YoungPublication...

ICI Contemporary Art Collection
Jenyns, David Larwill, Lindy Lee, Hilarie Mais, Stewart McFarlane, John R. Neeson, Elizabeth Newman, Bronwyn Oliver, Ian Parry, Stieg Persson, Rodney Pople, Jacky Redgate, Caroline Williams, Victor Rubin, Imants Tillers, David Wadelton, Peter Westwood, John Young...

Defining Moments: Founding of Gallery 4A with Dr Mikala Tai
Lindy Lee and Hou Leong, curated by Melissa Chiu, 4A’s first curator and director. Tai considers the exhibition and the context in which the organisation launched and how 4A continues to expand and thrive.
ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Dr Mikala Tai is the Director of 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art...
Defining Moments: Founding of Gallery 4A with Dr Mikala Tai
Lindy Lee and Hou Leong, curated by Melissa Chiu, 4A’s first curator and director. Tai considers the exhibition and the context in which the organisation launched and how 4A continues to expand and thrive.
ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Dr Mikala Tai is the Director of 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art...

Defining Moments: Founding of Gallery 4A with Dr Mikala Tai 1997 on Sussex Street in Sydney’s Chinatown. 4A launched with an exhibition featuring three Asian-Australian artists: Emil Goh, Lindy Lee and Hou Leong. Curated by Melissa Chiu, 4A’s first curator and director, the exhibition considered the breadth and depth of contemporary Asian- Australian practice...
Rewind: Above and Beyond: The Asian Connection the Above and Beyond Exhibition, eight of the artists had a previous, parallel or subsequent involvement with Asialink projects. Simryn Gill, Emil Goh, Pat Hoffie, Lindy Lee, Kevin Todd, Judy Watson and John Young have...
...focusing on themes of language and portraiture.DATE: 4 September 1996 FORUM: NeighboursSpeakers: Julie Ewington, Lindy Lee, Matthew Ngui, Natalie King, Clare Williamson, Allison Carroll, Michael SnellingDATE: 7 September 1996...

Defining Moments: Founding of Gallery 4A
Lindy Lee and Hou Leong. Curated by Melissa Chiu, 4A’s first curator and director, the exhibition considered the breadth and depth of contemporary Asian- Australian practice.
In this lecture Dr Mikala Tai will consider this inaugural exhibition and the context in which 4A launched and has...
Rewind: Visual Tension
Collective of Ross Gibson, Lindy Lee, Sam Mele, Mark Thirkell and Mark Titmarsh, who became its editors), Tension (edited by Ashley Crawford), Art & Text (edited by Paul Taylor), and Frogger (edited by Rex Butler and David Messer). In August 1982, Local Consumption 2...